Wayne Smith   [ wayne.smith@csun.edu ]

Creative Commons License
The text on this web page is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

[updated: Sunday, February 21, 2021]

"The Internet changes everything."
-Bill Gates (1955-)

The purpose of these materials is to provide additional depth in a key area of importance to business students. The difference between this document and the Library materials for course is that these links are intended to be searched by Author rather than by title. These authors write (or have written) regular columns on specific topics, so we are more familiar with the (recurring) Author of the article than with the (always different) Title of the article.

Access Instructions

The reference in brackets at the end of each citation is a link to either the public web site from which the article may be accessed or the CSUN Library online database. For CSUN Library articles, one good search strategy is to:

  1. Using your web browser, navigate to the CSUN Library web page.
  2. Newspapers and magazines are both periodicals. Periodicals are known as journals at the CSUN Library. Select "Journals" in the lower-middle of the screen under "More search options".
  3. Enter the title of the periodical (e.g., "Wall Street Journal") as listed in the citation. Press "Enter" or click on the "magnifying glass" on the right.
  4. For some periodicals, there is more than one variation of the periodical, so you need to select the specific variation that you need. For example, for "Wall Street Journal", select "The Wall Street journal, Online access."
  5. Click on "online access" because you want access to the periodical electronically (online) not physically (in the Library).
  6. For some periodicals, the periodical is available from more than one electronic database, so you need to select the specific electronic database that you need. For some periodicals (e.g., the "Wall Street Journal"), the choice doesn't matter; the choices (e.g., "ProQuest Global Newsstream" or "ProQuest ABI/Inform Collection") lead to the same database and the same query interface.
  7. (Note: At this point, if you--the student--are located off-campus, you will need to authenticate yourself because only CSUN indivials can access these databases; simply enter your CSUN ID and password when prompted.)
  8. Scroll down a bit and find the "Search Within This Publication" box.
  9. Click on "Advanced Search" located just to the right of the "Search Within This Publication" box.
  10. Two new rows will appear. The first row is already filled in; it's for the publication code for the WSJ ("10482"). Don't change anything in this row.
  11. The second row is not filled in. We can use that row for the title of the article. Enter "The Captain Class" (including the double quotes), and click on "Anywhere" on the right-side to change it to "Document Title".
  12. Click "Search" in the lower-right corner of the screen.
  13. You should see results from that Title-based search query, and you can locate the specific article that you want. If there are no results, then you've typed something wrong in the search and you'll need to re-check again.
  14. I recommend changing the "Sorted By" field on the left side to "Most Recent First". The puts the most current articles up front.
  15. Also, I recommend changing the "Items per age" on the bottom of the screen (you'll need to scroll down a bit) to the maximum number: "100". This gives you more articles on a single screen.
  16. You can read the article on the screen, of course, but you can also save it. The two most useful options are probably the "Save as PDF" choice or the "All Options" and "RTF (Microsoft Word)" format.


Sam Walker writes a regular column titled "Captain Class". Each article in this regular column is a example of Leadership, often in the context of Strategy in a practical, real-world situation. Each article is drawn from a chapter from a book of the same name. Each CSUN student has access to the WSJ through the CSUN Library. Therefore, you can access and read the entire book one chapter at a time. The following is just one example; please follow the instructions in the previous section to find all of "The Captain Class" articles written by Sam Walker.

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