Business 550
The Contemporary Firm

Wayne Smith   [ wayne.smith@csun.edu ]

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The text on this web page is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
[updated: Wednesday, September 1, 2010]

"There are five managerial roles; they are to set objectives, organize, motivate and communicate, measure, and develop people."
-Peter Drucker (1909-2005)

Course Outline/Calendar

The following outline describes the details of this course in chronological order.

Week 1: Tue. April 1, 2008
Question: How is success defined in this course?
Question: How is MIS/IT related to other parts of an organization?
Week 2: Tue. April 8, 2008
Question: What characteristics distinguish a contemporary ("digital") firm?
Week 3: Tue. April 15, 2008
Question: What are key emerging trends in MIS/IT and how do they impact the organization?
Question: How have recent MIS/IT developments impacted legal and ethical issues in organizations?
Week 4: Tue. April 22, 2008
Question: What does an organization's "infra-structure" ("stuff") look like?
Week 5: Tue. April 29, 2008
Question: What does an organization's "info-structure" ("stuff" + data + people) look like?
Question: How did the networking infrastructure evolve to become so critical?
Week 6: Tue. May 6, 2008
Question: What are the internal weaknesses (vulnerabilities) and external threats (challenges)?
Question: What is the single most important information systems in the firm?
Week 7: Tue. May 13, 2008
Question: How do we integrate disparate systems and why would we want to?
Week 8: Tue. May 20, 2008
Question: How do we architect, engineer, and construct systems support the sharing of explicit and tacit knowledge in an organization?
Week 9: Tue. May 27, 2008
Week 10: Tue. June 3, 2008
Question: How do we reconcile the pace of change of MIS/IT and the pace of change within an organization?
Question: Which elements of globalization and internationalization confront and confound an MIS/IT?
Week 11: Tue. June 10, 2008
Week 12: Tue. June 17, 2008

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