Course Outline/Calendar
Management 370
Management Skills Development
Summer, 2024
Mon/Wed 1:00pm - 4:35pm (Wed 7/10 - Mon 8/19, 6 weeks)
(in-person format)
Thu, Jan 16, 2025
[updated: Thursday, January 16, 2025]
"There are five managerial roles; they are to set objectives, organize, motivate and communicate, measure, and develop people."
-Peter Drucker (1909-2005)
Course Outline/Calendar
The purpose of this web site is to provide information and materials for students enrolled in Wayne Smith's Management 370 course, Class # 10423, for the Summer, 2024 semester.
This course meets Mon/Wed 1:00pm - 4:35pm (Wed 7/10 - Mon 8/19, 6 weeks) in BB1131 [ Campus Map ].
This course is taught in the in-person format.
This course is offered by the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). CSU Northridge is one of 23 campuses in the California State University system.
The following summary identifies the key terms used in the course outline.
Note: Materials listed as (CSUN only) are restricted to CSUN students, faculty, and staff only. To access these restricted materials, CSUN stakeholders will need to enter their full CSUN email address and their CSUN password. There is a small chance this type of authentication may not work for some smartphones or tablets; in that case, simply use a laptop or desktop computer.
- Question:
- A general organizing question to place this particular material in context
- Topic(s):
- General topic(s) to be discussed
- Whetton/Cameron:
- Readings from the textbook
- Library:
- Readings from the library materials (or occasionally, a direct, online resource)
- Supplemental:
- Miscellaneous Readings
- Due:
- Assignment or report due at the immediate beginning of class
- Review:
- Usually a student-led review of an assignment or report
- Exercise:
- done individually or in teams (announced and collected in-class)
- Activity:
- done individually or in teams (announced and done either in-class or as homework)
- Lecture:
- a lecture or presentation done by the instructor
- Video Clip(s):
- Video Clip(s) shown in class, typically from a movie or TV show
- Quiz:
- a relatively short test
- Exam:
- a relatively long test
- (contingency)
- Slack time embedded during the course to cover unforeseen events
The following is the detail of the course in chronological order. Students must complete the readings and assignments before the due date.
Week 1: Wed. Jul 10, 2024
- Topic(s): Enrollment Management, Class Materials, Class Introduction
- Assumptions I'll Make About You:
- Supplemental: Student Success: The Multiple Perspectives of a Business Student [ .pptx ]
- Ethical Decision-making [ .pptx ] (Sat. Jul 16, 2022)
- Teams and Teamwork [ .pdf ] (Tue. Nov 9, 2021)
- Examples of Strong Writing: Sentences [ .pptx ], Paragraphs [ .pptx ], Arguments [ .pptx ], and Style [ .pptx ]
- Examples of Areas for Improvement: Language Use and Grammar [ .pptx ]
- Detailed Writing Errors [ .xlsx ]
- Lecture: Professional Influence (Elements of an Argument) [ .pptx ]
- Lecture: Public Speaking Tips (pp. 12-5 to 12-10) [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Course Introduction [ .pptx ] (Fri. May 21, 2021)
- Library: Sandberg (Tardiness Contagion)
- Library: Shellenbarger (Impromptu Speech)
- Activity: Management Reflection #1 (Management 360 student-professional)
- Topic(s): Enrollment Management
- Library: Wartzman/Crosby (Employee Engagement)
- Activity: Class "Icebreaker" [ .pptx ]
- Whetton/Cameron: Introduction
- Activity: Discuss Assignment: Organizational Opportunity/Challenge Essay
- Activity: Discuss Movie Analysis: "Buck"
Week 2: Mon. Jul 15, 2024
- Due: Assignment: Organizational Opportunity/Challenge Essay
- Library: Terlep (Clorox)
- Question(s): Why is CEO Linda Rendle an interesting person? What was her early involvement with strategy at Clorox?
- Library: Davidson (Soft Skills)
- Question(s): What do Soft Skills look like day-to-day, in practice? Why is it so difficult for employers to find quality professionals with Soft Skills? Of the three broad areas covered in our Textbook chapters (personal, interpersonal, group), which do you have strengths in and which do you have more work to do to improve? Would others agree with your assessment of yourself?
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 1, Developing Self-Awareness
- Library: Feintzeig (Multitasking)
- Supplemental: Buchanan, Inc. magazine (Drucker on Management) [ .pdf ]
- Question(s): What does Peter Drucker recommend to build the most successful organizations and the most successful managers? What is an important idea from Textbook Chapter 1 that can be linked to an important idea in the article?
- Library: Samuel (Learning from Autism)
- Question(s): Can you see in the article one or more of the five parts of the Model for Developing Management Skills (self-awareness, skill learning, skill analysis, skill practice, skill application)?
- Supplemental: Movie "Buck" (in Canvas, click on "Modules" on the left side, and then click on "buck.mp4" to watch this video)
- Supplemental: "Buck" Analysis [ .pdf, .docx ] (Thu. Feb 3, 2022)
- Due: "Buck" Analysis
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 2, Managing Stress and Well-Being
- Library: Feintzeig (Office Therapists)
- Library: Chen/Smith (Pandemic Burnout)
- Library: Stulberg (A Better Post-Pandemic You)
- Library: Samuel (A Better Post-Pandemic Office)
- Activity: Management Reflection #2 (improving graduation rates)
- Activity: Management Reflection #3 (discuss only, due later)
- Library: Algoe (Gratitude)
- Lecture: Big Bang Theory (clip) Generalized Reciprocity [ Expressing Gratitude - Part I (Youtube) ]
- Lecture: Big Bang Theory (clip) Generalized Reciprocity [ Expressing Gratitude - Part II (Youtube) ]
- Lecture: Network Sociograms (Gratitude) [ .pptx ] (Sat. Dec 18, 2021)
- Library: Cutter (Hidden Company Stars)
- (contingency)
Week 2: Wed. Jul 17, 2024
- Lecture: Exercises and Skills [ .pptx ]
- Activity: Team Assignment
- Lecture: Description of 'Management Skills at the Movies' deliverables: choices and analysis (written and presentation)
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 3, Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively
- Lecture: Decision-making in Management (Summary) [ .pptx ] (Sat. Dec 18, 2021)
- Lecture: Seven Approaches to Management Decision-making [ .pptx ] (Sat. May 28, 2022)
- Library: Lublin (Know-It-All-Bosses)
- Library: Sutton (Decision Mistakes)
- Library: Zweig (Cocky Voice)
Week 3: Mon. Jul 22, 2024
- Library: Austin (Lego Serious Play)
- Library: Zweig (Noise/Decisions)
- Supplemental: Daniel Kahneman interview [ .html (source), .pdf (mirror) ]
- Library: Kahneman, et al. (Noise/Moods)
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 4, Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
- Activity: Ch. 4 Analysis and Practice
- Examples of Strong Writing: Supportive Communication [ .pptx ]
- Library: Berger (Finding the Words That Get Results)
- Library: Oliver (Slack, Zoom, or Gmail?)
- Library: Reddy (Doctors Deliver Bad News)
- Lecture: Important Business Communication Skills [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Understanding 'real world' Communication ("theory") [ .pptx ]
Week 3: Wed. Jul 24, 2024
- Due: First, second, and third movie choices
- Library: Annunzio (Movie/'12 Angry Men')
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 5, Gaining Power and Influence
- Lecture: Position-Power (Networking) [ .pptx ]
- Library: Feintzeig (power/being quiet)
- Library: Finkelstein (confident/overconfident)
Week 4: Mon. Jul 29, 2024
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 6, Motivating Performance
- Library: Luca (Motivation Mindset)
- Library: Rothbard (Happy Face)
- Library: Gallus (Performance rewards)
- Library: Starmans, et al. (Inequality)
- Activity: Ch. 5 and Ch. 6 Analysis and Practice
- (contingency)
Week 4: Wed. Jul 31, 2024
- Due: Management Reflection #3 (expressing gratitude)
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 7, Negotiating and Resolving Conflict
- Library: King (Hidden Status Battles)
- Library: Berger (Change Anyone's Mind)
- Library: West (Office Jerk)
- Library: U.S. Women's Soccer Equality Deal
- Supplemental: Source Article [ .pdf ] (Thu. Jul 7, 2022)
- Supplemental: Conflict/Negotiation Analysis [ .pdf, .docx ] (Sat. Oct 22, 2022)
- Activity: Management Reflection #4 (Management 370 student-professional)
- Activity: Ch. 7 Analysis and Practice
- (contingency)
Week 5: Mon. Aug 5, 2024
- Exam: Mid-term
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 8, Empowering and Engaging Others
- Lecture: The 'Inverted' Org. Chart [ .html ]
- Library: Dill (Bosses as Coaches and Nurturers)
- Library: Walker (Better Managers)
- Library: Cutter ('Lose the Bosses')
- Library: Wartzman/Tang (Giving Employees a Real Voice)
- Activity: Management Reflection #5 (Empowering/Improving Ourselves post-Graduation) (discuss only, due later)
- Mid-course Team Evaluation
- Activity: Informal Team Evaluation [ .pdf ] (Tue. Nov 9, 2021)
- Activity: Performance Improvement [ .pptx ] (Fri. Nov 25, 2022)
- Activity: Team meeting with the Instructor (if necessary)
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 9, Building Effective Teams and Teamwork
- Library: Woo (Better Teams)
- Library: Rogelberg (The Science of Better Meetings)
- Library: Gino (The Art of Better Meetings)
Week 5: Wed. Aug 7, 2024
- Due: Assignment: Management Skills at the Movies (Written)
- Due: Management Reflection #5 (Empowering/Improving Ourselves post-Graduation)
- Supplemental: Leadership Overview [ .pdf ] (Fri. Nov 4, 2022)
- Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 10, Leading Positive Change
- Lecture: Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset [ .pptx ] (Mon. Dec 20, 2021)
- Library: Tierney/Baumeister (Negativity)
- Library: Feintzeig (Rally the Troops)
- Lecture: Presenter Team's Responsibilities
- Lecture: Public Speaking Tips (pp. 12-5 to 12-10) [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Audience Teams' Responsibilities
- Lecture: Discussion ("Challenge") Question Template [ .pdf ]
- Activity: Comprehensive, Integrative Analysis
- Management Skills Development ('Gen Z' Workforce) [ .pdf ] (Wed. Jul 3, 2024)
- Activity: Management Reflection #6 (cross-functional learning)
Week 6: Mon. Aug 12, 2024
- Due: Management Skills at the Movies (Presentation) - Team 1
- Due: Management Skills at the Movies (Presentation) - Team 2
Week 6: Wed. Aug 14, 2024
- Due: Management Skills at the Movies (Presentation) - Team 3
- Due: Management Skills at the Movies (Presentation) - Team 4
Week 7 (Finals Week): Mon. Aug 19, 2024
- Due: Comprehensive, Integrative Analysis
- (Summer: student evaluations of faculty) (please complete by Tue. Aug 20 at 11:59pm) [ .html ]
- Library: Smith (Keeping Performance Notes)
- Lecture: Individual-level Reflections/Journaling [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Team-level Reflections/Journaling [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Management Skills Development: Philosophical Foundations [ .pdf ]
- Lecture: Management Skills Development: Course Analogies [ .pdf ]
- Activity: Formal Team Evaluation
- Supplemental: "CalStatePays" (post-graduation salary data for several CSU campuses) [ .html ]
- (contingency)
- Exam: Final Exam