Management 360
Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior

Wayne Smith   [ wayne.smith@csun.edu ]

Creative Commons License
The text on this web page is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

[updated: Thursday, January 3, 2013]

"The Internet changes everything."
-Bill Gates (1955-)


The purpose of this web page is provide a single access point for the textbook materials for this class--Carpenter, M., et al., Principles of Management v1.1, FlatWorldKnowledge. Students can, of course, choose to purchase this required text as a traditional, printed textbook at the bookstore. Students may wish to acquire other formats in addition to, or in lieu of, a traditional, printed textbook. Students should select the format(s) best suited for her or him. Other than format, there is no difference in the content of the text. Finally, in principle, each of the following formats (except for the HTML from the publisher) only needs to be accessed and downloaded once per course.

These materials should be accessed by the end of the first week of class. Please either bring this textbook with you to class or otherwise have access to this textbook in class. If you print any chapter(s) out, you may wish to use a "three-hole punch" to place the chapter(s) in a three-ring binder for convenience.

Instructor-managed Textbook materials (available at no charge)

These text formats are likely best suited for traditional notebook computers, but each student's situation is different.

  1. PDF [ .pdf ] (Friday, April 8, 2011)
  2. MS-Word (2007 and later) [ .docx ] (Friday, April 8, 2011)
  3. MS-Word (2003 and earlier) [ .doc ] (Friday, April 8, 2011)

These text formats are likely best suited for portable readers. The EPUB format is probably the most useful.

  1. EPUB [ .epub ] (Thursday, June 30, 2011)
  2. MobiPocket [ .mobi ] (Thursday, June 30, 2011)

Publisher-managed Textbook materials

This text format is likely best suited for netbooks, but each student's situation is different. This format is structured by chapter and then by sub-topic within a chapter. This format is available at a nominal charge (~$20.00).

  1. HTML [ .html ]

Other formats are available as well. Thes formats are available at a nominal charge (approximately $30 US).

  1. print-it-yourself, textbook in color, e-book, audiobook [ .html ]

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