Management 665
Management of Innovation and Technology

Wayne Smith   [ wayne.smith@csun.edu ]

Creative Commons License
The text on this web page is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

[updated: Wednesday, September 1, 2010]

"The Internet Changes Everything..."
-Bill Gates (1955-)


The purpose of this web page is to provide links to supplementary materials, some of which may be of use at some point in this course. All of the materials are available via the CSUN Library online databases. I recommend selecting the highest-quality print output that is available. Often, this means selecting the "PDF" format (for binary files) or the "print" format (for text files) if those selections are available.

The source for this material is the following book:

Katz, R. (2004), The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation (2nd. ed.), Oxford University Press, New York:NY. [ Description ] [ Table of Contents ]

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